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The Lyon Biennale
17th edition

Biennale de Lyon
September 29th, 2024 - January 05th, 2025

affiche biennale
Michel de Broin, Seuils, 2017
Michel de Broin, Seuils, 2017

For this 17th edition of the Lyon Biennale, Isabelle Bertolotti and guest curator Alexia Fabre, director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, place the values ​​of altruism and welcoming others at the heart of its programming.

Entitled “Les voix des fleuves – Crossing the water”, the project offers a journey along the Rhône River as a metaphor for all the waters that come together to form a stronger current. Artists are invited to evoke, question, and pursue the subject of relationships that are formed and dissolved between beings and with their environment.

This Biennale will be an opportunity to discover the work of Quebec artist Michel de Broin.

Through sculpture, installation, video, and performance, Michel de Broin initiates, by means of metaphor and analogy, reflections on the public, social, and political spheres. Through a work of association and juxtaposition of everyday objects, which radically transforms their meaning, the Canadian artist invents systems involving forces that attract, repel or support each other.

His work seeks to define the functioning of human relationships as a set of actions that induce and respond to each other.

“Thresholds” is an interactive installation that invites the general public to embark on a journey. It is a crossing that calls to mind the velocity of our urban journeys, small moments in everyday time and space.The installation requalifies the internal mechanics of opening devices of the old cars of the Montreal metro that was inaugurated for the 1967 World’s Fair. Now replaced by more modern equipment, the obsolete MR-63 cars have marked the imagination of collective travel in Montreal. Surviving the cycle of consumption, the work helps to keep this technical memory vibrant. This is a form of investigation of other possible worlds based on the remains of this one.

More info: Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon (labiennaledelyon.com)
In partnership with the Canadian Cultural Centre



Biennale de Lyon
65 Rue Challemel-Lacour, Lyon

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