Emie R Roussel Trio
Centre culturel canadien
March 10th, 2020
20:00 - 21:30
The Emie R Roussel Trio is a major player on the current Canadian jazz scene and enjoys a dazzling rise since 2010.
Made up of Emie R Roussel on the piano (Révélation Radio-Canada Jazz 2014-2015), Nicolas Bédard on bass and Dominic Cloutier on drums, the trio delivers a creative and captivating jazz with high energy and chemistry.
In the past few years, the Trio has had the privilege of presenting its music in eleven countries on four continents.
The Emie R Roussel Trio was one of eight groups from outside Europe selected for the Overseas Night as part of the prestigious JAZZAHEAD! 2019 festival in Bremen, Germany.