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A toi pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou

November 03rd, 2011 - January 08th, 2012

A toi pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou

Author: Michel Tremblay – Director: Christian Bordeleau – Cast: Cécile Magnet, Yves Collignon, Sophie Parel, Marie Mainchin.

We are in the family kitchen. Manon and Carmen, two sisters aged 24 and 25, meet again and take stock 10 years after the events that turned their lives upside down. At the same time, like a permanent flashback, their parents, Marie-Lou and Léopold, live through what was their final scene, 10 years previously. Manon still lives in this kitchen, shut away with her demons. Carmen attempts to leaves it one final time. Four characters, two eras, one overwhelmed family.

Can one escape one’s destiny? How? 

A la Folie Théâtre, 6 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011 Paris