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Alexandre Poulin

October 04th, 2011

Alexandre Poulain, photo Roger Proulx

October 4,  Le Sentier des Halles in Paris 

Alexandre Poulin grew in a family where the music was important. At the age of eight years old he played his first agreements and composed his own songs at the age of 10 years old.

Once his studies ended, he left to Costa Rica, an then came back with a multitude of songs.

His first album appeared in 2008 and received laudatory reviews, his second album A switched on light which it co-realized with Eric Goulet went out in 2010. 

This self-taught artist does not read the music, but has it cheek in the ear, and is among others inspired by his numerous travels.

Sentier des Halles, 50 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris