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Exposition « MY WINNIPEG » au MIAM à Sète

November 05th, 2011 - April 22nd, 2012

My Winnipeg - Sète
My Winnipeg - Sète

In partnership with the Canadian cultural centre, the “Musée international des Arts Modestes” de Sète is showing the collective exhibition “My Winnipeg” which took place in  “la Maison Rouge” in Paris last summer.

Winnipeg is a prime example of how geographical location can shape artistic production. Long, harsh winters prompt artists to get together in their studios to work; the Winnipeg property market is more open than in Toronto or Montreal, giving artists access to spacious studios at reasonable rents.

Public and private bodies such as the Manitoba Museum, the Plug-In, a university arts center (Gallery One One One) and a quality international art magazine (Border Crossings) show art at local level, and promote and develop contemporary art and culture in the city. 

Although the international art world is still unfamiliar with some of Winnipeg’s artists, others have caught the eye of critics and curators while continuing to make a rich contribution to the local scene. The focus of the project will be Winnipeg’s contemporary visual art scene, which has received burgeoning acclaim with the international success of numerous artists including Marcel Dzama and the Royal Art Lodge, Kent Monkman, filmmaker Guy Maddin, and many more.

Musée International des Arts Modestes

23 quai Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny

34200 Sète