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Rethinking the World: a Duty of Remembrance
Online conference with Rhodnie Desir

Centre culturel canadien
February 09th, 2022 20:00 - 21:00

Evenement Facebook NDI (4)
© Crédits photos: Marjorie Guindon & Kevin Calixte
BOW'T TRAIL par Rhodnie Désir
© Kévin Calixte

Each year in February, Canada celebrates Black History Month, to commemorate and honour the contributions and achievements of Black people.

💻 Join us online on February 9 at 8pm for an exceptional conference with Canadian-Haitian dancer, choreographer and documentarian Rhodnie Désir!
👉 Online – Booking is mandatory

To celebrate the contributions and richness of the heritage of Black communities, Rhodnie Désir invites us on a journey that is at once geographical, anthropological, historical and artistic—a journey to the heart of the history of people of African descent in the Americas.

Since 2015, Rhodnie Désir has studying Black culture in the Americas. She works to retrace the history of Canadians of African descent, inspired by her ancestors. Driven by the need and the will to transcend her origins, she conceived the pioneering international project BOW’T TRAIL.

Rethinking the World : a Duty of Remembrance, Rhodnie Désir
Online Conference – Book your virtual seat!
1 hour – In French 

Biography: A graduate in communications and marketing from the Université de Montréal & HEC Montréal, Rhodnie Désir has led Dêzam for 10 years. Through it, she has set up more than 2,500 youth cultural actions. In 2017, she founded her dance company, RD Creations. In January 2021, she was chosen as one of the “25 to watch” by Dance Magazine in New York. In April 2021, she was granted the Award of Merit for Achievement in the Performing Arts by the Association of Performing Arts Professionals. 


Centre culturel canadien
130 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris

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