Musée d’art de Joliette
The mission of the Musée d’art de Joliette is to acquire, conserve, promote and disseminate early and contemporary works by artists from Quebec, Canada and abroad through exhibitions and cultural and educational activities.
The MAJ’s collection today holds close to 8,500 works in four collections: Canadian art, European art, contemporary art and archaeology. The Musée’s acquisitions and documentation policies, together with its numerous collaborations with other institutions in Quebec, Canada and other countries, enable us to achieve our goals in terms of conserving our collection and to be extremely active in the field of research.
The MAJ’s programmes, designed for a public of all ages, are geared to democratizing culture and making the latest knowledge in the field of visual arts accessible to the broadest possible audience. We disseminate this knowledge by mounting permanent and temporary exhibitions, publishing catalogues, touring the exhibitions, producing extra-mural projects, lending artworks and providing guided tours and educational and cultural activities (lectures, openings and talks, concerts, conferences and cultural excursions).
Source : site internet du Musée. Further info :
Supported events

Shannon Bool
Promiscuous Rooms
The Canadian Cultural Centre is pleased to present Shannon Bool’s first solo exhibition in France. Bool is an internationally recognized contemporary artist based in Berlin. Produced by the Musée d’art de Joliette, the exhibition is enriched in Paris by several...

La Mécanique des fluides
Espace Sculfort de Maubeuge. Suite à sa présentation à Montbéliard à lété 2001, la rétrospective de loeuvre «La Mécanique des fluides» de Jean Noël, artiste canadien installé à Paris, est réinstallée à lEspace Sculfort de Maubeuge. Lexposition est coproduite par...