The Bank of Nova Scotia, operating as Scotiabank, is a Canadian multinational bank. It is the third largest bank in Canada by deposits and market capitalization. It serves more than 24 million customers in over 50 countries around the world and offers a range of products and services including personal and commercial banking, wealth management, corporate and investment banking. With a team of more than 88,000 employees and assets of $998 billion (as at October 31, 2018), Scotiabank trades on the Toronto (TSX: BNS) and New York Exchanges (NYSE: BNS).
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Supported events

Angela Grauerholz
Écrins écrans
Opening: November 8, 6 p.m. – Free admission Book signing by the artist. Guided visit by the artist and the curator at 5 p.m. (by reservation): Curator: Catherine Bédard In 2015 Angela Grauerholz received the prestigious Scotiabank Photography Award, the...

Marshall McLuhan at the Canadian Cultural Centre
2011 marks the centenary of the birth of Herbert Marshall McLuhan. Mc Luhan grew into a literary and media icon of extraordinary renown ; no figure is more universally associated with the rise of media information and oour transformation into a...