University of Lethbridge Art Gallery
uLethbridge Art Gallery serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas. Through the art works it presents and collects, sparks dialogue, supports interdisciplinary discussion, and invites contemplation. It’s a meeting point for people from on and off campus. Located at a university, it conducts and supports research and investigates complex and difficult ideas in-depth.
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Supported events

Dianne Bos
The Sleeping Green
Vernissage le samedi 1er avril de 16h à 20h – Entrée libre Rencontre avec l’artiste et la commissaire en anglais, à 17h sur réservation : Dianne Bos a emprunté le titre de cette exposition au célèbre poème Break of...

IAIN BAXTER&: Canadian Perspective
Curator: Christophe Domino Opening: Friday, October 1, 6:30 p.m. To celebrate its fortieth anniversary, the Canadian Cultural Centre invites an artist with an exceptional career, a trailblazer of new forms, a tireless inventor, an artist capable of changing even his...