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Arnaud Maggs
Notes capitales

Maggs’ works follow in the grand tradition of typological photography. But typology according to Maggs is a graphic exercise invested with subjectivity. This explains its framing within a grid, whose minimalism is woven through with an eminently human and sensuous content, yet shown with all the appearance of documentary objectivity. “Notes capitales” focuses on a conceptually and visually impressive work entitled “Répertoire” (a photographic mural composition (7.2 x 2.5 m) of 48 colour images, each the photograph of an enlarged double page from Atget’s personal address book). Also presented are other serial works such as “Notification” and “Hotels”, considered as notes of capital importance intimately linked to Paris, Paris being the theme of the 2000 Mois de la Photo.

Year of publication : october 2000
20,5×25,5 cm , 80 pages
Selling price : 18,5 €. Text in French and English.

Exhibition dates :
from November 15, 2000 to January 27, 2001.

Preface by Robert Desbiens. Essays by Catherine Bédard: “Arnaud Maggs, Front and Back” and by Russell Keziere: “Notification: Convergence without Coincidence”.

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Arnaud Maggs - Notes Capitales
Arnaud Maggs - Notes Capitales - couverture du catalogue

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