Manon De Pauw. Intrigues
[:fr]Centre culturel canadien (Invalides)[:en]Canadian Cultural Centre (Invalides)[:]
April 04th, 2012 - September 08th, 2012
Vernissage, Tuesday, April 3, 2012
5 pm : Artist talk by Manon De Pauw and Louise Déry / reservation
6-8.30 pm / free entrance
Curator : Louise Dery
The canadian cultural centre presents, from April 4 to September 8, the first exhibition of the work of the photographer and videast Manon De Pauw in France.
The works in the exhibition Manon De Pauw. Intrigues describe the path the artist has taken since the beginning of this decade. Photograms, photographs, performative set-ups, single-channel videos and multi-channel video installations investigate light and the image in ways as varied as they are poetic. Manipulation of accessories, materials and colours, unfurling gestures, hands and bodies, recourse to various means of mechanical and digital recording, and use of surfaces of inscription like paper, tables, screens and lightboxes are all part of this protocol of artistic experimentation that generates a visual writing through which various ages of the image run like veins.
This presentation is a coproduction between The Galerie de l’UQAM and the Canadian cultural centre. This exhibition is part of a tour organized by The Galerie de l’UQAM with the support received from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Manon De Pauw lives and works in Montreal. Her art has been presented in many group exhibitions, events and festivals in Canada, Europe and Latin America. A graduate of UQAM’s École des arts visuels et médiatiques, Manon De Pauw teaches photography at Concordia University in Montreal. Manon de Pauw was finalist of the Sobey Art Award 2011.

[:fr]Centre culturel canadien (Invalides)[:en]Canadian Cultural Centre (Invalides)[:]
5, rue de Constantine, Paris