Espace culturel inuit
Association Inuksuk
Créée en 1995, l’association Inuksuk a pour objectif de promouvoir
la culture inuit en France par différents moyens.
Elle s’ouvre également de façon ponctuelle vers d’autres communautés autochtones.
Supported events

Inuit writing workshop
Online workshop
On Wednesday October 28, join us at 3pm for a 30 minute workshop Live with the Association Inuksuk. On the program? Discover syllabary used by the Inuit of the 🇨🇦 Eastern Arctic to learn how to write your first name...

Inuit writing workshop
Online workshop
On Wednesday October 28, join us at 3pm for a 30 minute workshop Live with the Association Inuksuk. On the program? Discover syllabary used by the Inuit of the 🇨🇦 Eastern Arctic to learn how to write your first name...

Atelier d’initiation à l’écriture des Inuit du Canada
Learn to write Inuktitut ! The Inuksuk Association offers you a playful discovery of the graphic system used by the Inuit of the Canadian Eastern Arctic to transcribe Inuktitut, based on teaching cards. Duration: 1h15 From 7 years old Workshop...

Quand fondra la neige, où ira le blanc ?
When the Snow Melts Where Will the White Man Go? is an adaptation of the traditional Inuit tale The Skeleton Woman. This performance is a journey, an encounter with a distant world, that of the Inuit people the sound of whose language...

Inuk en colère
The Festival Ciné Alter’Natif pays tribute to First National cinema in all its diversity. For this 8th edition, Canada is the guest of honour with a special “Inuit” evening and the project-debate of the film Angry Inuk, directed by Alethea...

Atelier d‘initiation à l‘Inuktitut
Canadian Cultural Centre
An introductory Inuktitut workshop. The members of the Association Inuksuk – Espace Culturel Inuit propose an introduction to the language and writing system of the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic. Beginners welcome. This workshop is part of the Passeport pour...

Neige / Atelier Contes et jeux inuits
The screening will be followed by a debate with the audience. The unexpected meeting between the young Philémon and Kulluk, an Inuit boy, makes for a marvellous adventure. Neige (Snow) is an animated film by Antoine Lanciaux and Sophie Roze on which...

Wednesday, February 3, 7 p.m. at the Canadian Cultural Centre – FULL Debate in the presence of Roseanne Supernault. Malaya Bishop, Inuit throat singer, will host the evening. While internal quarrels have divided her clan, Maïna (Roseanne Supernault), the daughter...

Noël Arctique
To celebrate the holidays and its 20th anniversary, the Association Inuksuk-Espace Culturel Inuit invites you to its Inuit trading post (exhibition and sale of sculptures, jewellery, books, cards, Inuit herbal teas, etc.). During these two days of festivities, there will...

European Night of the Museums
For the European Night of the Museums, the Canadian Cultural Centre closes the exhibition Denys Arcand / Adad Hannah – The Burghers of Vancouver with an exceptional opening from 6 p.m. to midnight. This is the last chance to discover...

In the footsteps of Abraham Ulrikab…
The Espace culturel inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, invites you to France Rivet‘s conference: In the footsteps of Abraham Ulrikab, The tragic story of two Inuit families from Labrador exhibited in 19th century ethnographic shows. In the...

Beyond darkness and sleep
The Espace culturel inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, invites you to the launch of the book Beyond darkness and sleep. The Inuit night in North Baffin Island by Guy Bordin, Peeters publishing – with the author presen This...

Le rire de l’amulette
The Espace culturel inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, invites you to attend Le rire de l’amulette, a show of polar tales presented by Nathalie Krajcik-Bélanger, a Franco-Quebec storyteller. The polar tale Le rire de l’amulette is the...

Noël arctique
Wednesday, November 26 (12–8 p.m.) / Thursday, November 27 (11 a.m.–6 p.m.) Free admission For the holidays, the Inuksuk association invites you to its Inuit trading post (sale of sculptures, jewellery, books, cards, Inuit herbal teas, etc.). During these two...

Gontran de Poncins: an adventurer among the Inuit (1938-1939)
The Espace culturel inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, invites you to attend a conference-show on Gontran de Poncins. In June 1938, accredited by the Société de Géographie and the Musée de l’Homme, Vicomte Gontran de Poncins set...

Inuktitut workshops
(Français) Semaine des cultures étrangères
As part of the “Passeport pour les Langues” programme of the Semaine des Cultures Étrangères, take part in workshops constituting an introduction to Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic, led by Sylvie Teveny. Wednesday, September 24,...

« A la recherche des canards perdus »
Canadian Cultural Centre
Designed by Frédéric Ferrer, actor and lecturer – Compagnie Vertical Détour. Theatrical conference on a scientific experiment to measure the speed of global warming in the Arctic. In September 2008, NASA releases 90 small plastic yellow ducks into a Greenland...

Polar Tales from the Great North By Nathalie Krajcik
“In the very beginning, nothing was like it was after or before! Crow was all white. How did he change clothes? Harfang played jacks, what was he doing now? And Tuktu the caribou was simultaneously a breath, a being and...

Noël arctique
Mercredi 4 (12h-18h) et jeudi 5 décembre (11h-20h) A loccasion des fêtes de fin dannées, lassociation Inuksuk vous propose son « Comptoir inuit » (expo-vente de sculptures, bijoux, livres, photos, cartes, tisanes inuit ). Au cours de ces deux journées de festivités, les...

La banquise et les Inuit
For the Inuit, the pack ice was an ice route during migrations from Alaska to Greenland through the Canadian Arctic. Even today, the fast ice is still used for travel, fishing, hunting and remains a space for identity, knowledge transmission,...

Inuktitut workshops
Semaine des cultures étrangères
Dans le cadre du programme Passeport pour les langues présenté lors de la Semaine des cultures étrangères, participez à des ateliers d’initiation à l’Inuktitut (langue des Inuit de l’Arctique canadien) animés par Sylvie Teveny : de 11h à 12h : initiation...

Back to the roots of contemporary Inuit art
In parallel with the exhibition Fantastic Kenojuak Ashevak, art historian and Inuit art specialist Florence Duchemin-Pelletier gives a lecture on contemporary Inuit art and the roots of a flourishing artistic movement. The genesis, which has become almost legendary, of contemporary...

Atelier pour enfants (jeune public)
A workshop for children presented by ethnologist and specialist of the Inuit world Sylvie Teveny, who invites them to discover Inuit tales and myths about the origin of the universe through storytelling and the presentation of a few remarkable objects....

Céline Espardelier: Inuit stories for children
The storyteller and actress Céline Espardelier tells the traditional Inuit stories of Greenland, Canada and Alaska. Her show evokes the stories of the land of cold and the North Star, of the territory of polar bears and seals. Tales that...

«Les Inuit» by Michèle Therrien
The Espace culturel Inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, is pleased to invite you to attend the launch of Michèle Therrien‘s book “Les Inuit” recently published by Les Belles Lettres, in the collection Belles Lettres des civilisations. Monday,...

Avec et pour les Inughuit, derniers Esquimaux polaires
At 6:30 p.m. at the Canadian Cultural Centre. In the far north of Greenland live 800 men, women and children, forgotten by the world and mapmakers: the Inughuit, the last polar Eskimos. Christiane Drieuxs documentary allows us to follow in...

Le songe de Nanook
Wednesday, October 17, 3 p.m., ages 6+ Thursday, October 18, 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., ages 6+ Le songe de Nanook recounts an Inuit’s waking dream. Two musician-dancers, barely visible at the beginning, gradually assert themselves. The projected images create...

Passeport pour les langues
On the occasion of Passeport pour les Langues, the Association Inuksuk and the Canadian Cultural Centre are offering Inuktitut (the language of the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic) workshops: Wednesday, September 26, 2–3 p.m., introduction to writing, ages 8 and...

« Folie ? Quelle place à l’invisible ? »
Inuit Perspectives on Mental Disorder
The Espace culturel Inuit, in collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Centre, invites you to attend a lecture by Stéphane Moiroux « Folie ? Quelle place à l’invisible ? » (Regards inuit sur le désordre mental) Since the advent of scientific...

“Ajaraaq” by Nathalie Krajick
L’Espace culturel Inuit, en collaboration avec le Centre culturel canadien, vous invite à assister à ce spectacle au Centre culturel canadien. Conteuse et comédienne franco-canadienne, Nathalie Krajick nous entraîne avec délicatesse et simplicité à la découverte des territoires et des peuples...

“La rencontre des Inuit de l’Arctique canadien entre 1900 et 1936 par les agents de la société de fourrures Revillon Frères”
L’Espace culturel Inuit, en collaboration avec le Centre culturel canadien vous invitent à assister à une conférence de Véronique Antomarchi, membre actif d’Inuksuk, docteure en histoire, professeure agrégée, diplômée en langue et culture inuit à l’Inalco sur le thème « La...

“D’où vient ce qui existe ? Quelques réponses inuit”
L’espace culturel inuit présente « D’où vient ce qui existe ? Quelques réponses inuit », une conférence de Guy Bordin – ethnologue et réalisateur. Réservation nécessaire au 06 88 09 68 77 ou Les cosmogonies sont au cœur des interrogations de toutes...

Présentation du livre “Contes inuit”
À l’occasion de la sortie en librairie du livre Contes inuit d’Emmanuelle Stimamiglio et Sylvie Teveny, illustré par Laura Guéry et publié aux Éditions Circonflexe, l’Espace culturel inuit, les éditions Circonflexe et le Centre Culturel Canadien sont heureux de vous inviter au Centre Culturel...

Conférence « Observer les baleines : Pourquoi ? Comment ? »
The Espace Culturel Inuit presents Observer les baleines : Pourquoi ? Comment ?, a lecture by Olivier Adam, a bioacoustician specializing in whales. In 2009 the International Whaling Commission suggested that certain species of whale could be used as indicators...

Tuktu, le petit caribou
Show for children aged three to six. At 10:00 a.m. Tuktu, the little caribou, finds himself alone in the plains of the tundra after a snowstorm. He then meets a young Inuit, who becomes his friend and shows him his...

Noël Arctique
L’espace culturel inuit a le plaisir de vous inviter à son Noël arctique 2011 ! Mercredi 30 novembre : de 11h à 18h Jeudi 1er décembre : de 11h à 20h. Comptoir de vente inuit : – Tisanes inuit, –...

Ateliers d’écriture Inuit
Semaine des cultures étrangères
September 28, 2 p.m.: Introductory Inuit writing workshop by the Espace culturel inuit Introduction to the syllabic writing system of the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic using a small educational booklet given to participants – Age eight and up – Duration: 1...

Tuktu le petit caribou
Semaine des cultures étrangères
At 10:30 a.m. at the Canadian Cultural Centre. Tuktu, le petit caribou is a tale that allows children to discover the Inuit world through a very sweet story and a show blending image and music. Show for children aged two...

Taiguusiliurniq, l’activité néologique inuit au Nunavut
De nouveaux mots pour de nouvelles réalités
The Espace Cultural Inuit invites you to a lecture by Carole Cancel, a PhD student in ethnolinguistics and anthropology jointly at Inalco in Paris and Université Laval in Quebec City. She holds a degree in Inuit language and culture from...

La Guerre Météorologique au Groenland
An unknown episode of WWII
The Espace Culturel Inuit invites you to a lecture by Christiane Moinet. An actress and director, she has specialized in historical and cultural events for over twenty years, sharing her knowledge on polar cruise and cargo ships. Founded in Vienna...

La Nuit européenne des Musées 2011
La Nuit européenne des Musées 2011 At the Canadian Cultural Centre, May 14, 2011, from 5 p.m. The Canadian Cultural Centre joins forces with La Nuit des Musées 2011. The exhibition Diana Thorneycroft’s Extraordinary Stories: Caustic Landscapes of the Canadian...

Animated films
In partnership with the Biennale internationale des arts de la marionette and in collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada and the Espace Culturel Inuit, the Canadian Cultural Centre presents three programmes of animated films allow you to discover or...

Le Grand blanc
Conference “The Great White”: the Multiple Facets of the Polar Bear in the Inuit context – par Vladimir Randa, ethnozoologist, member of Inuksuk Association. Reservations : 06 88 09 68 77 or

L’ours polaire dans l’art inuit
(Français) Exposition temporaire
Conference “Figures of the Polar Bear in Inuit Art” by Florence Duchemin, Art historian, member of Inuksuk Association. Reservations : 06 88 09 68 77 or

The Polar Bear in the Inuit Ar
Temporary Exhibition At the Canadian Cultural Centre. Free access, information 06 88 09 68 77 or

La mise en place des espaces protégés au Nunavik (Nord Québec) : l’exemple du parc national des Pingualuit
By Véronique Antomarchi, teacher in tourism, graduated in Inuit language, active member of Inuksuk. Free admission. You must have a reservations at 06 88 09 68 77 or by e-mail at

Mes premières histoires inuit
The participants in the “telling Inuit stories” workshop will help you discover the Arctic world. It is an introductory voyage for families or friends right before the Christmas holidays. For audiences six years of age and over. Free admission. Information...

Training segment on “Telling Inuit stories”
From 6 pm to 9 pm at the Canadian Cultural Centre. Nathalie Krajcik, a Quebec storyteller, explores the Inuit corpus over a period of several years. The training consists of three sessions that use a dual ethnological and theatrical approach....

Introductory workshop to Inuktitut, the Inuit language
Semaine des cultures étrangères
From 6 pm to 7 pm at the Canadian Cultural Centre Introductory workshop to Inuktitut, the Inuit language, Module 1: “Inuit conversation” With audio support and a conversation guide, this introduction to the Inuit language works through interactive dialogue among...

Workshops and evening poetry and video
Semaine des cultures étrangères
(Français) Dans le cadre de la Semaine des cultures étrangères organisée par le FICEP, l'Espace culturel inuit et le Centre culturel canadien proposent : - 14h à 15h: Atelier d'initiation à l'écriture inuit A partir d'un livret pédagogique, les animateurs...

Cycle de formation «Raconter des contes inuit«
From 6 pm to 9 pm at the Canadian Cultural Centre. Nathalie Krajcik, a Quebec storyteller, explores the Inuit corpus over a period of several years. The training consists of three sessions that use a dual ethnological and theatrical approach....

Raconter des contes inuit
Première séance le jeudi 11 juin. Le répertoire inuit, composé d’histoires parfois cruelles et de mythes aux structures complexes, peut être déroutant, même pour les conteurs aguerris. Nathalie Krajcik, conteuse d’origine québécoise, explore le corpus inuit depuis plusieurs années. Elle...

L’espace culturel inuit vous propose un spectacle de contes pour tous les publics. Conteuse d’origine québécoise, Nathalie Krajcik raconte les infinis espaces blancs et les toundras immenses où la vie suit le rythme de la nature. Partez à la découverte...

Kevin Patterson
À l’occasion de la parution de “Dans la lumière du Nord” chez Albin Michel, le Centre culturel canadien et l’Espace culturel inuit vous invitent à rencontrer Kevin Patterson en compagnie de Francis Geffard. Le livre – Née dans la toundra à la...

Le sommeil inuit • Qu’est-ce que dormir chez les Inuit ?
L’espace inuit vous convie à une conférence proposée par Guy Bordin, docteur en ethnologie de l’université de Nanterre et diplômé en langue et culture inuit de l’Inalco. Les Inuit ont, dans leur ensemble, un rapport au sommeil qui, de notre...

Grande soirée Arctique
Une soirée féérique où le Centre culturel se revêtira de neige et vous transportera dans l’immensité arctique. Au programme: vernissage d’exposition, spectacles d’Artcirq, un cirque inuit, contes, films et musique. Programme Cirque inuit : Performances de la troupe Artcirq d’Iglulik...

Anaanatsiara, ma grand-mère inuit
Contes du Grand Nord
L’espace culturel inuit vous invite à un voyage dans le monde magique des contes traditionnels et des récits mythiques du peuple inuit par Céline Espardellier, conteuse. Tout public à partir de 6 ans. Durée 50 mn. Rés : 06 88...